Metasender Tutorial Guide

Welcome to the Metasender Tutorial Guide! Here, we'll walk you through the essential steps to efficiently use Metasender for distributing ERC20 tokens across the Avalanche blockchain. Our platform streamlines the token distribution process, saving you time and resources.



STEP 1: Connect your wallet

Metasender integrates Web3 modal, enabling you to connect with various wallets including Metamask, WalletConnect, and others. Easily link your preferred wallet to start using Metasender.

STEP 2: Select your Asset Type

Explore four comprehensive options to meet all your asset transfer needs :

Token - Native: Use this option to send the blockchain's primary currency, such as ETH for Ethereum.

Token - ERC20: Suitable for all tokens crafted on a particular blockchain framework.

NFT - ERC1155: Ideal for sending NFTs that allow both fungible and non-fungible token types in a single contract.

NFT - ERC721: Perfect for unique, non-fungible tokens, ensuring each item is one-of-a-kind.

If you're uncertain about whether your NFTs are ERC1155 or ERC721, a simple check on OpenSea can clarify. Find a specific NFT from the collection in question on OpenSea, then navigate to the 'Details' section. There, you'll find the 'Token Standard' field which indicates whether it's ERC1155 or ERC721. Here’s how you can see it: Example - OpenSea Token Standard.

STEP 3: Choose Your Blockchain

Metasender contracts are available on Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, Base, Arbitrum, Optimism, Linea, and their respective testnets. Select the blockchain where you intend to send your assets. For assurance of our authenticity, you’re welcome to view our contract links at any time.

STEP 4: Specify Your Asset's Contract Address

To facilitate the multi-send of NFTs, tokens, etc., Metasender requires the contract address of the asset. This can typically be found on blockchain explorers like Etherscan for Ethereum assets, or on NFT marketplace websites such as OpenSea for NFTs.

Automatic detection:

Understanding the challenge of this step, Metasender is designed to automatically detect the assets in your wallet and present them to you. Simply choose the asset you want to send, and Metasender will automatically populate the contract address for you.

STEP 5: Input Recipient Addresses

You can input recipient addresses and associated details manually or by using the import function available in the app (copying and pasting is not available for now). An example format can be downloaded within the app for guidance.

The information required in the address tab varies depending on the type of asset:

Token - ERC20 or Native: This is straightforward; simply enter the addresses you wish to send your token to, followed by the amount for each recipient.

NFT - ERC721: For each recipient address, you must specify the ID of the NFT to be sent. An easy method to find an NFT ID is by visiting its OpenSea page, selecting your collection, and navigating to the 'Details' section of an item, where you’ll find the token ID. Here’s an example screenshot for clarity.

NFT - ERC1155: Similar to ERC721, you need to enter the recipient addresses and ID, but also specify the quantity of each NFT you wish to send, as ERC1155 tokens can have multiple copies. The quantity for a given Token ID can be found on OpenSea. See this example for locating the information on OpenSea.

STEP 6: Verification

After entering all required information, take a moment to review what you're about to send. Then, click 'Approve' to proceed.

An initial estimate of gas fees plus Metasender fees will have been provided, but you'll find more detailed information on the 'Approve' page.

Note: It's easy to navigate back to the 'Prepare' stage from the 'Approve' page without losing any entered data.

Your transaction will only commence once you confirm the wallet transaction.



Part 1: Split & Review

Review: On this page, you can scrutinize the recipient addresses along with detailed amounts designated for each.

Split: Should your batch transfer include more than 400 addresses, our system will automatically divide them into multiple transactions due to blockchain address limits, capping each at 400. For batches with fewer than 400 addresses, only a single transaction will be indicated.

Part 2: Costs & Gas Fees

Costs: An estimated cost for the entire operation will be provided, breaking down the expenses per transaction, including Metasender fees and gas fees. Our pricing is highly competitive, and you can find more details in our FAQ section.

Keep in mind, gas fees can fluctuate, but we aim for the utmost accuracy in our estimates.

PART 3: Confirm & Execute

Ready to proceed? Click the “Send” button. A loading screen will appear, and your wallet will prompt you to authorize the connection. The Metasender contract requires access to the assets you're sending.

NOTE: We only request access to the specific assets and quantities you intend to send, nothing more.



This is the final step to finalize your asset sending process.

After establishing a connection with your wallet, you will be prompted to confirm the transaction. Once confirmed, your assets begin their transfer journey:

Status Update: The status will initially display as "In Progress".

Completion: Upon transaction finalization, the status updates to "Completed", and a transaction link is provided to you for tracking.

For batch sends that necessitate multiple transactions, each one requires separate confirmation. You may notice several confirmation pop-ups from your wallet—this is expected and part of the process.

If you have reached this stage, you've successfully completed a batch asset transfer to multiple addresses with Metasender.

Should you have any further questions, please refer to our FAQ page or reach out to us for assistance.

Multisend your assets now

With MetaSender, send thousands of tokens or NFTs to multiple addresses in a single click. Secure, efficient, and ready to go whenever you are.

Just Connect your wallet, select your blockchain, and send your assets.